Umami means “pleasant savory taste” in Japanese. The UMAMI taste can be found widely in a great number of foods such as beef, pork, gravies, tomatoes, and fermented foods. Especially Soybeans Miso and TAMARI can make an UMAMI rich meal.
UMAMI is not a sensation, but a component of taste. Japanese scientists discovered that there are tissues on the tongue that can sense the umami component, and it was recognized as the fifth basic taste.
UMAMI is described as the official term “UMAMI”, which is common worldwide. The delicate sensibility of the Japanese people is attracting a great deal of attention worldwide.
Umami ingredients can be broadly classified into two types: amino acids (glutamates) and nucleic acids (inosinate and guanylate), and the synergistic effect of both increases the UMAMI. The synergistic effect of both increases the UMAMI. Furthermore, UMAMI is enhanced by the moisture reduction and the action of enzymes when the ingredients are dried, fermented or aged. Fermented foods such as miso and soy sauce contain a lot of this UMAMI. Soybean miso and TAMARI, which is mainly made from soybeans, is especially rich in “UMAMI”.